1890 |
Slabs of frieze of the Parthenon | A089
Relief representing Eleusinian Deities | D043
Head of Athena, late: Berlin | C162
Penelope seated: Vatican | C057
Slabs of frieze of the Temple at Bassae | A108
Centaur and Deidameia from Pediment, Olympia | A061a
Female head from column at Ephesos | A008
Archaistic altar with figures of twelve gods | D113
City of Antioch: Vatican | C229
Head of Aphrodite: Arles | C181
Slabs of frieze of the Parthenon | A088
Slab of frieze of the Tomb at Xanthos | A118
Torso of Marsyas: Berlin | C222
Iris from Parthenon Pediment | A092
Upper part of male figure and charioteer from relief: Athens | D009
Head of Alkibiades: Vatican | C160
Relief of Athenian alliance: inscription | D090
Slabs of frieze of the Temple at Bassae | A107
Two metopes: Parthenon | A076
Relief representing trireme: Athens | D081
Demosthenes: Vatican | C212
Medusa Rondanini | B206b
Terra-cotta plaque: Alcaeus and Sappho | D127
The group of Laocoon and his sons | B130b
Seated youth: Olympia | B131
Relief from Pergamon: Giant and dog | A144
Torso of Herakles: Karlsruhe | C134
Two metopes: Parthenon | A075
Relief from an early temple at Assos: subject a feast | A009
Cyrene and lion: archaic relief, Olympia | A004
Three nymphs: relief | E002
Slabs of frieze of the Mausoleum | A138
Charioteer from Mausoleum frieze | A140
Kore from Erechtheum: London | A105
Slabs of frieze of the Parthenon | A090
Slabs of frieze of the Mausoleum | A139
Four-sided archaic stele: Sparta | D011
Upper part of male figure and charioteer from relief: Athens | D010
Theseus of the Parthenon | A091
Dedicatory relief to Dionysos | D079
Wounded Amazon: Capitol | C087
Venus Genetrix: Louvre | C093
Slabs of frieze of the Temple at Bassae | A106
Fragment of sepulchral relief: Aegina | D019
1891 |
Two heads and fragments from pediment, Tegea | A135
Three figures from Pediment of Aegina, Munich | A036
Relief of Peliades, Lateran | E007
Three figures from Pediment of Aegina, Munich | A031, A035
Two heads and fragments from pediment, Tegea | A134, A132
The Idolino, Florence | B187
Two heads and fragments from pediment, Tegea | A133
Archaic head of warrior, Munich | C001
Ilioneus, Munich | C121
Head of Eubuleus, Eleusis | B099
1893 |
Head from Argive Heraion | A113
1894 |
Archaic Hera, Ludovisi | B082
Sophokles, Lateran | C141b
Stele, Hunter and dogs, Thespiai | D017
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A120c, A120i, A120e
Restoration of Nike of Paionios | B086a
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A119c
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141f
Posideon, Vatican | C219
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A119f
Artemis of Gabii, Louvre | C179
Stele, seated lady, Athens | D037
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A119a
Archaic four-sided basis, Athens | D094
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A119d
Archaistic Athena, Dresden | B211
Female head, Madrid (Lady Evans) | C068
Harmodios, Naples | C246
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A119b, A120a, A120j
Manes of Kottabos | F074
Restored head of warrior, Tegea | A137
Antiochus IV of Commagene and Herakles, Nimrud Dagh | A146
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141r, A141l
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A120d
Stele from the Ilissos, Athens | D076
Alexander the Great, Louvre | C151
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141j
Amazon Mattei, Vatican | C089
Ganymede and eagle, Vatican | C124
Niobe and daughter, Florence | C195b
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A120g, A119e
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141e, A141m, A141o
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A120b
Nike, Thespiai | D102
Lion-gate, Mycenae | A001a
Apollo, archaic | F033
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A120h
Torso of Athena, Athens | C078
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141c
Female head (Lord Ronald Gower) | C180
Athena Lemnia, Dresden (head, Bologna) | C075b
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141k
Bronze youth, Berlin | B188
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141p
Bronze boxer, Rome | B129
Janiform bust, Madrid (Lady Evans) | C085
Scenes from Gjölbaschi tomb, Vienna | A120f
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141i
Heading of Treaty, Athena and Cius, Athens | D056
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141b, A141d, A141g
Diadoumenos, Kassel | C038
Frieze of the monument of Lysikrates, Athens | A141n, A141q, A141h
Spaniard, Madrid | B182
1895 |
Two helmeted heads, Argive Heraion | A109
Upper part of female figure, Argive Heraion | A110
Colossal head of Athena (Eubulides) | B149
Ephebe, Athenian Acropolis | B068a
Figure of Victory on a smaller scale and two heads, Epidauros | A131
Architectural details, Argive Heraion | A167
Three groups from Eleusis, copies of W. Pediment of Parthenon | A099
Architectural details, Argive Heraion | A115
Three colossal heads from Lykosoura (Demeter, Artemis, Anytos) | B145
Three groups from Eleusis, copies of W. Pediment of Parthenon | A098
Two reliefs of dancing girls, Theatre of Dionysos | D133
Relief, Mourning Athena | D042
Stele of Dexileos | D067
Stele from Larissa (Polyxena) | D035
Reliefs from basis at Mantinea, by Praxiteles | D092
Two helmeted heads, Argive Heraion | A112
Basis of statue by Bryaxis | D091b
Head of Demeter of Knidos | B120
Relief representing Asklepios seated, Epidauros | D089
Figure of Victory on a smaller scale and two heads, Epidauros | A129
Torso of boy, Argive Heraion | A111
Nereid on a sea-horse, Epidauros | A127
Head of a diskobolos; sepulchral | D002
Figure of Victory on a smaller scale and two heads, Epidauros | A130
Part of garment from Lykosoura | B142
Two reliefs of dancing girls, Theatre of Dionysos | D108
Two Amazons on horseback, Epidauros | A121c
Head of a Centaur, Epidauros | A121
Stele from Lamptrai, with reliefs | D001
Three groups from Eleusis, copies of W. Pediment of Parthenon | A100
Three colossal heads from Lykosoura (Demeter, Artemis, Anytos) | B143
Upper part of a Victory and head, Epidauros | A126
Female figure from Delos, dedicated by Nikandre | B035
Three colossal heads from Lykosoura (Demeter, Artemis, Anytos) | B144
Two Amazons on horseback, Epidauros | A123
Architectural details, Argive Heraion | A166
1896 |
Head of Apollo, Mausoleum | B098
Head of warrior, Aegina pediment (Lady Evans) | A030
Head of Iris from the Parthenon Frieze | A086e
Head of Artemis, Hierapytna (Arthur Evans) | C232
Head of Athena, Aegina pediment (Lady Evans) | A033
Bust of a male figure (Daedalic School) from Crete (Arthur Evans) | B003
1897 |
Head of an athlete, Attic school. Munich | C100
Roman lady, Herculaneum. Dresden | C192
Head of a Roman, published as Antiochus of Syria. Munich | B171
Head of young German, British Museum | B183
Satyr pouring wine, Praxitelean. Dresden | C110
Sepulchral lekythos: scene of farewell. Munich | D065
Heroic king, early fifth century. Munich | C048
A fifth-century head, in the style resembling the Nike of Paionios (Miss Hertz) | C091
A running Nereid, from the Lycian tomb | A117
Archaic male torso from Boeotia, British Museum | B010
1898 |
Head of Aphrodite. Toulouse (Lady Evans) | C174
Portrait head of Seneca | H015
Portrait head of Aeschines | C211
Relief: Hermes and Aphrodite. Munich | D049
Alexander arming, Munich | C156
Portrait head of Aristophanes | C159
Relief: Jesus Christ and a disciple. Berlin | D126
Portrait head of Cleopatra | B197
Portrait head of Aristophanes | C158
Portrait head of Plato | C149
Head of Dionysos. British Museum | B192
Part of frieze representing the history of Telephos. Berlin | A145
Hermaphrodite from Pergamon. Berlin | B147
Head of Apoxyomenos. Vatican | C252
Aberdeen Apollo head. British Museum. | B101b
1899 |
Head of an athlete. Dresden | C248
Bronze Charioteer. Delphi | B070
Child Ploutos. Dresden | C168
Head of athlete. Nelson Collection | B193
Bronze head of athlete. Louvre | C031
Diadoumenos from Delos. Athens | C036
Head of Herakles. Dresden | C108
Head of a woman. Dresden | B139
Standing figure of Zeus. Dresden | C049
Athletic victor. Dresden | C043
Girl from Herculaneum. Dresden. | C193