

The Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (CSIR) is an international academic enterprise begun over 50 years ago. Its aim is to document the immense sculptural heritage of the Roman Empire through published catalogues produced in the various countries which now embrace its territory.

These webpages are hosted by Oxford University's Classical Art Research Centre on behalf of the International Association for Classical Archaeology (AIAC) and are maintained by Peter Stewart and Greg Parker. They offer links, guidelines, and information on the project for all users and contributors.

The Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (CSIR) turned fifty in 2013. It began in 1963 on the occasion of the International Congress of Classical Archaeology (CIAC) and has been since then promoted by the International Association of Classical Archaeology. It has now produced around one hundred volumes dedicated to the sculptural and architectural heritage of the Roman world, forming a fundamentally important academic reference-work, particularly for the study of Roman provincial art and archaeology. To celebrate the anniversary, AIAC decided to give new impetus and oversight to the Corpus by created an international scientific committee, with the aim of promoting future research and publication projects (print and online), establishing guidelines and criteria, fostering networks of knowledge exchange, and offering a central reference-point for already existing national committees and for other national and international institutions and projects.

This website is intended to host links to and information on other initiatives in the field of sculpture in the Roman Empire as well as providing a hub for CSIR itself. The current International Committee, the second one formed since 2013, is due to serve until the AIAC Congresses of 2023. It comprises members from countries which have experience of publishing CSIR volumes during the last fifteen years. The committee's purpose is to provide broad oversight of the corpus and support for colleagues working on CSIR projects, or considering new projects, in all the countries concerned. We welcome suggestions of new initiatives or requests for advice from those countries which do not currently have a national CSIR committee.

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