Bochum team publishes Gandhara linked data report
In 2019 CARC staff and Advisory Committee members participated in a working group convened at Ruhr Universität Bochum by Jessie Pons and Frederik Elwert, to explore 'Linked Data Methodologies in Gandhāran Buddhist Art and Texts'. Funded by a grant from the Palagios Network, the workshop examined potential uses of Linked Open Data principles in bridging different collections of Gandhāran Buddhist resources extant in both textual and visual media. The team includes art historians and archaeologists, philologists and historians of Buddhism as well as experts in Digital Humanities from various research institutions across North America and Europe who have decided to combine their expertise to propose means to foster interoperability between repositories and ultimately, to advance our knowledge of Buddhism in Gandhāra.
Details of the workshop and the published report can be found on the Bochum website.