The reception of classical art bibliography
Electronic rescources, series and journals
- The Beazley Archive -
- Studies in the History of Collections -
- The Grove Dictionary of Art -
- Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes -
- The Journal of the History of Collections -
Books and articles
- Alexiou, M., After Antiquity, Greek Language, Myth, and Metaphor (Ithaca and New York, 2002).
- Angold, M., "The Decline of Byzantium" in Travel in the Byzantine World, edited by R. Marcrides (Aldershot, 2002) 213-234.
- Babelon, E., Catalogue des camées antiques et modernes (Paris 1897).
- Barker, J.W., "Byzantium and the Display of War Trophies: Between Antiquity and the Byzantines" in To Hellenikon: Studies in Honor of Speros Vryonis edited by J.S Langdon et al. (New Rochelle, NY, 1993) 45-58.
- Beard, M., "Adopting an approach II" in Looking at Greek Vases edited by T. Rasmussen and N. Spivey (Cambridge, 1991) 12-35.
- Becatti, G., Arte e gusto negli scrittori latini (Florence, 1951).
- Belozerskaya M. and Lapatin, K., "Antiquity Consumed"……
- Bieber, M., The Sculpture of the Hellenistic Age (New York, 1961).
- Boardman, J., The Diffusion of Classical Art (Princeton NJ, 1994)
- Bolgar, R.R. (ed), Classical influences on European Culture, AD 500-1500 (Cambridge, 1971).
- Borda, M., La Scuola di Pasiteles (Bari, 1953).
- Borsook, E., "The travels of Bernardo Michelozzi and Bonsignore Bonsignori in the Levant (1497-98), JCWI 36 (1973) 145-197
- Bracco, V., L'archeologia classica nella cultura occidentale (Rome, 1979)
- Buddenseig, T., "Gregory the Great, the destroyer of pagan idols. The history of a legend concerning the decline of ancient art and literature", JCWI 28 (1965) 44-65
- Burn, L., "Sir William Hamilton and the Greekness of Greek Vases", JhistColl 9 (1997) 241-252.
- Caldwell, M.P., The pubic display of antique sculpture in Venice, 1200-1600 (Doctoral thesis, London, University 1975)
- Cessi, F., Giovanni Cavino (Padua, 1990).
- Cunnally, J., Images of the Illustrious: the numismatic presence in the Renaissance (Princeton NJ, 1999).
- Cultler, A., Byzantium, Italy and the North (London, 2000). Chapter XI, From Loot to Scholarship: Changing Modes in the iTlian Response to Byzantine Artifacts, ca. 1200-1750.
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- Donohue, A.A. and Fullerton, M.D., Ancient Art and Its Historiography (Cambridge, 2003).
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- Evans, J., Magical Jewels of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Oxford, 1922).
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- Goldberg, V.L., "Graces, muses and arts: the urns of Hnery II and Francis I", JCWI 39 (1966) 206-218.
- Greenhalgh, M., The survival of Roman antiquities in the Middle Ages (London, 1989)
- _________, The classical tradition in art (London, 1978)
- Hanfmann. G.M.A., "Hellenistic Art", DOP 17 (1963) 82-83.
- Hamann-Maclean, R.H.L., "Antikenstudium in der Kunst des Mittelalters", MarbJBuch 15 (1949-50) 157-250.
- Haskell, F. and Penny, N., Taste and the Antique (London and New Haven, 1981).
- Heckscher, W.S., "Relics of pagan antiquity in Renaissance settings", JCWI 1 (1938) 204-220.
- Howard, S., Antiquity Restored, Essays on the afterlife of the antique (London, 1990).
- Jacks, P., The antiquarian and the myth of antiquity (Cambridge, 1993).
- Jenkins, I. And Sloan, K., Vases and Volcanoes, Sir William Hamilton and his Collection (London, 1996).
- Jones, M. (ed.), Fake? The Art of Deception (London, 1990)
- Kantorowicz, E., Frederick the Second, 1194-1250 (London, 1931).
- King, C.W., Antique Gems (London, 1860).
- Kitzinger, E., "The Hellenistic heritage of Byzantine art", DOP 17 (1963) 97-115.
- Klawans, Z.H., Imitations and Inventions of Roman Coins, Renaissance Medals of Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire (Monterey, CA, 1977)
- Kornbluth, G., Engraved Gems of the Carolingian Empire (University Park, PA, 1995).
- Ladendorf, H., Antikenstudium und Antikenkopie: Vorarbeitung zu einer Darstellung ihrer Bedeutung in der mittelalterlichen und neueren Zeit (Berlin, 1958)
- Leithe-Jasper, M., Renaissance Master Bronzes (Washington, 1986).
- Luchs, A., Italian Plaquettes (Washington DC, 1989).
- Macrides, R. (ed.), Travel in the Byzantine World (Aldershot, 2002), especially chapter 13, Constantinople: the crusaders' gaze.
- Mango, C., "Antique statury and the Byzantine beholder", DOP 17 (1963) 55-75.
- Massinelli. A.M. and Tuena, F., Treasures of the Medici (London, 1992).
- MuCulloh, J.M., "From antiquity to the middle ages: continuity and change in papal relic policy from the 6th to the 8th century", Jbuch fürAntike und Christentum 8 (1980) 313-324.
- Müntz, E., "La tradition antique chez des artistes du moyen age", Journal des savants 1887. 629-642 and 1888.40-50, 162-177.
- Nelson, R.S., "The Iatlian Appreciation and Appropriation of Illuminated Byzantine Manuscripts, ca. 1200-1450", DOP 49 (1995) 209-235.
- Norskov, V., Greek Vases in New Contexts, the collecting and trading of Greek vases – an aspect of the modern reception of antiquity (Aarhus, 2002).
- Oakeshott, W., Classical inspiration in mediaeval art (London, 1959)
- Panofsky, E., Renaissance and Renaissances in Western Art (Copenhagen, 1960).
- Panofsky, E. and Saxl, F., "Classical mythology in mediaeval art", MetMusSt 4 (1933) 228-280.
- Payne, A., Kuttner, A., and Smick, R., Antiquity and its Interpreters (Cambridge, 2000).
- Perry, M., "Saint Mark's trophies: legend, superstition and archaeology in Renaissance Venice", JWCI 40 (1977) 27-49.
- Pevsner, N., Academies of Art Past and Present (Cambridge, 1940).
- Pfeiffer, R., A history of classical scholarship from 1300 to 1850 (Oxford, 1976).
- Pollard, G., Italian Medals (Washington DC, 1987) 11-24 (Soldani), 45-54 (Cavino), 263-281 (Graeco-Roman).
- Pollitt, J., The art of Greece 1400-31BC: Sources and Documents (Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1965).
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- Reynolds, L.D. and Wilson, N.G., Scribes and Scholars. A guide to the transmission of Greek and Latin literature (Oxford, 1974).
- Richter, G.M.A., Ancient Italy (Oxford, 1951).
- Robertson, M., "Adopting an approach I" in Looking at Greek Vases edited by T. Rasmussen and N. Spivey (Cambridge, 1991) 1-12.
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- Rouet, P., Approaches to the study of Attic vases (Oxford, 2001).
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- Scherer, M., The Legends of Troy in Art and Literature (New York, 1964).
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- Seznex, J., The Survival of the Pagan Gods (New York, 1953).
- Snidjer, G.A.S., "Frühmittelalterliche Imitationen antiker Kameen", Germania 17 (1933) 118-124.
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- Van Cleve, T.C., The Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Immutator Mundi (Oxford, 1972).
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