History of collections (classical antiquities)
Electronic resources, series and journals
Books and articles
Art history
- Abbare, V., Wunderkammer siciliana, alle origini del museo perduto (Palermo, 2001).
- Alsop, J., The Rare Art Traditions: The History of Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena Wherever These Have Appeared (Princeton, 1981).
- Babelon, E., Catalogue des camées antiques et modernes (Paris 1897).
- Beck, H. et al., Antikensammlungen im 18.Jahrhundert (Berlin, 1981).
- Beschi, L., "La scoperta dell’arte greca", in Memoria dell’Antico nell’Arte italiana, ed. S. Settis, volume 3 (Turin, 1986) 295-374.
- Bober, P.H. and Rubenstein, R., Renaissance Artists and Antique Sculpture (Oxford, 1986).
- Bonfante, L. (ed.), Etruscan Life and Afterlife (Warminster, 1986).
- Bothmer, D. von, "Notes on Collectors of vases" in Wealth of the Ancient World, The Nelosn Bunker Hunt and William Herbert Hunt Collections (Ft. Worth TX, 1983) 37-44.
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- Brummer, H.H., The statue court of the Vatican Belvedere (Stockholm, 1970).
- Burn, L., "Sir William Hamilton and the Greekness of Greek Vases", JhistColl 9 (1997) 241-252.
- Cooley, A. (ed.), The Afterlife of Inscriptions (London, 2000).
- Cutler, A., "The De Signis of Nicetas Choniates. A reappraisal", AJA 72 (1968) 113-118.
- _______, Byzantium, Italy and the North (London, 2000), especially chapter xi, From Loot to Scholarship: Changing Modes in the Italian Response to Byzantine Artifacts.
- Favaretto, I., Arte antica e cultura antiquaria nelle collezioni venete al tempo della Serenissima (Rome, 1990).
- Fusconi, G., I Giustiniani e l’Antico (Rome, 2001).
- Grafton, A. et al., Collectors, Collections, and Scholarly Culture (New York, 2000).
- Greenhalgh, M., The classical tradition in art (London, 1978).
- Grummond, N. de (ed.), An Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology (Westport, CT, 1996).
- Haskell, F., Rediscoveries in art: some aspects of taste, fashion and collecting in Britain and France (London, 1976).
- ________, "The British as collectors" in G. Jackson-Stops (ed.), The Treasure Houses of Britain (New Haven and London, 1985).
- ________, History and its Images, Art and the Interpretation of the Past (New Haven and London, 1993).
- ________, The Ephemeral Museum (New Haven and London, 2000).
- ________, and Penny, N., Taste and the Antique, the lure of classical sculpture 1500-1900 (New Haven and London, 1981).
- Hermann, F., The English as Collectors (London, 1972).
- Holst, N. von, Creators, Collectors and Connoisseurs (New York, 1967).
- Hülsen, C., Römische Antikengarten des XVI Jahrhunderts (Heidelberg, 1917).
- Impey, O., and Macgregor, A. (eds), The Origins of Museums (Oxford, 1985).
- Isager, J., Pliny on Art and Society, The Elder Pliny’s Chapters on the History of Art (Odense, 1991).
- Jenkins, I. And Sloan, K., Vases and Volcanoes, Sir William Hamilton and his Collection (London, 1996).
- Jentel, M-O, "Les techniques de copie des intailles en France au début du xviii siècle", in L’Empire de Mars et des Muses, la collection du marquis de Calvière (Avignon, 2002).
- Kurtz, D., The Reception of Classical Art in Britain (Oxford, 2000).
- Laurens, A-F, and Pomian, K. (eds.), L’Anticomanie. La collections d’antiquities aux xviii and xix siècles (Paris, 1992).
- Lezzi-Hafter, A. et al., Auf klassischem Boden gesammelt, Antike Welt 11 (1980)
- Lyons, C., "The Museo Mastrilli and the culture of collecting in Naples, 1700-55", JhistColl 4 (1992) 1-26.
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- MacGregor, A. (ed)., The Late King’s Goods (London and Oxford, 1989).
- Mango, C., "Antique statury and the Byzantine beholder", DOP 17 (1963) 55-75.
- Mauries, P., Cabinets of Curiosities (London, 2002).
- Michaelis, A., Ancient Marbles in Great Britain (Cambridge, 1882).
- Morán, J.M. and Checa, F., El coleccionismo en España, de la cámara de maravliias a la galleria de pinturas (Madrid, 1985).
- Müntz, E., Les antiquités de la ville de Rome au XIVe, Xve et XVIe siècles (Paris, 1886).
- _______, Les collections des Médicis au Xve siècle (Paris, 1888).
- Norskov, V., Greek Vases in New Contexts, the collecting and trading of Greek vases – an aspect of the modern reception of antiquity (Aarhus, 2002).
- Pastor, L., The history of the popes from the close of the middle ages (London, 1891-).
- Pietrangeli, C., The Vatican Museums (Vatican, 1993).
- Pollitt, J., "The impact of Greek art on Rome", TransAmPhilSoc 108 (1978) 155-174.
- Pomian, K., Collectionneurs, amateurs et curieux, Paris- Venise, xvi-xviii siècle (Paris, 1987).
- Ridley, R.T., The eagle and the spade (Cambridge, 1992).
- Rowland, B., The classical tradition in western art (London, 1981).
- Rumpf, A., Archäologie (Berlin, 1953).
- Schaer, R., L’invention des musées (Paris, 1993)
- Schlosser, J. von, Les Cabinets de merveilles (forthcoming).
- Schnapper, A., Le Geant, la Licorne et la Tulipe, Collections et collectionneurs dans la France du xvii siècle (Paris, 1988).
- Settis, S., Memoria dell’antico nell’arte italiana volumes 1 (Turin, 1984) and 3 (1986).
- Syson, L. and Thornton, D., Objects of Virtue, Art in Renaissance Italy (London, 2001).
- Taylor, F.H., The Taste of Angels. A History of Collecting from Ramases to Napoleon (Boston and London, 1948).
- Thomson, D., "The letters of James and William Tassie to Alexander Wilson 1778 to 1826", Walpole Society 65 (2003) 1-87.
- Thornton, D., The Scholar in his Study, Ownership and Experience in Renaissance Italy (London, 1997).
- Tsingarida, A. and Kurtz, D., Saisir l’antique (Brussels, 2002).
- Vermeule, C.C., European Art and the Classical Past (Cambridge, MA, 1964).
- Weiss, R., The Renaissance Discovery of Classical Antiquity (Oxford, 1969).
- Wilson. N., From Byzantium to Italy, Greek Studies in the Italian Renaissance (London, 1992).
- Boardman, J., The Archaeology of Nostalgia (London, 2002).
- Flashar, M. (ed.), Europa à la grecque 1768 - Vasen machen Moden (Munich, 1999).
- Jenkins, I., Archaeologists and Aesthetes (London, 1992).
- Norskov, V., Greek Vases in New Contexts (Aarhus, 2002).
- Schnapp, A., The Discovery of the Past (London, 1996).
- Tsigakou, F-M., The rediscovery of Greece: travellers and painters of the Romantic era (New Rochelle, NY, 1981).
'Cultures of collecting' (theory: anthropology, psychology)
- Elsner, J. and Cardinal, R., The cultures of collecting (London, 1994).
- Pearce, S., On collecting : an investigation into collecting in the European tradition (London, 1998). The collecting cultures series.
- ________, The Collector’s Voice, vols 1-4 (Aldershot, 2000-2002).