35. Greek myth figures and subjects
Most of these subjects and identifications are discussed by me in Fest.Hausmann. See also sphinxes of Greek type (15A), the warrior offering or dicing (28/112), Herakles, Hermes, sea deities and monsters.
A. Sirens
Two of these carry a small human figure, and are death demons performing a function otherwise exercised by sphinxes in Greek art and glyptic (Type B here). See AGGems no. 168 (Florence 70788, from Chiusi) for a Greek version with the siren, which appears elsewhere in Etruria and East Greece (as on the Xanthos Harpy Tomb). The subject is discussed by G. Rizza in I vasi attici ed altre ceramiche coeve in Sicilia I (1998) 135-143, illustrating the Florence scarab (figs. 11, 12, 19), à propos of the subject on a Laconian black figure cup.
35/1 Cagliari 390, from Tharros. Ebers, pl. H 58; AG pl. 15.42. BH; on silver hoop B. The tail seems to have the rising feathers of a cock. Carries a figure. V
35/3 Impression seen. BL. A siren playing pipes, standing on a cross-hatched 'mountain', the latter feature suggesting that the piece belongs here.
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B. Sphinx carrying a youth
A common subject on Greek archaic scarabs: AGGems 65-8, 72. The scheme derives from Egyptian/Levantine groups of a sphinx trampling a man but in Greek art is applied to the Theban myth.
C. Pegasos
(Cf. 2/X5.)
D. Erotes flying
The subject is common on late archaic and classical Greek scarabs and rings.
35/8 Cagliari 19777, from Tharros. AG pl. 15.40. BH. Holding flower, other hand raised, tassel on cap. III
35/9 Cagliari 9464 (Spano 42), from Tharros. AG pl. 15.41. BH. Holding two globular objects. III
35/10 A. Carta Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. B 102. BH. Both wings spread, holding cup and (?).
35/11 A. Mulas Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. B 104. BH. Both wings spread, runs looking back, holding wreath.
35/13 Spano Coll., from Tharros. Marmora, pl. B 103. BH. Both wings spread, runs looking back, holding wreath and lyre. Flower at border.
35/14 Kerkouan Museum. REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 11.27. BH. Holding wreath and flower; winged heels. I
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E. Europa on bull?
35/15 Ibiza no. 217 (Madrid 36994). Fest.Hausmann pl. 66.7. BH;PB. Rides side saddle with hand on rump and horn. Letter below. I
35/16 Carthage no. 606. BH. Fest.Hausmann pl. 66.8. Seated side-saddle, frontally. III
35/17 Cagliari, from Tharros. RSF 24 Suppl. (1996) pl. 1.6, 96, fig. 2a (Acquaro). BH;EXO. As the last, rougher, apparently holding branches (taken in RSF for a palm tree).
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F. Pygmy (?) rides dog
35/18 Ibiza no. 219 (Madrid 36540). BH; on a silver hoop A. Fest.Hausmann pl. 66.10. With raised spear. III
G. Selene (?)
35/20 Ibiza no. 218 (Madrid 37017). BH;PB. Fest.Hausmann pl. 66.9. A woman rides side-saddle holding a whip; the horse seen from behind. I
H. Griffin attacks Arimasp (?)
35/21 Copenhagen NM. BH. Griffin tramples over prostrate body with one arm raised. Arimasp holds pelta (the correct shape); griffin with recurved wings. I
35/22 Oxford III, no. 474 (1941.71), bought in Jerusalem. BL;EXV. Figure facing a small rearing griffin. Disc-and-crescent above.
I. Potnia theron
35/23 Paris, Louvre AO.11238, bought in Aleppo. BL; ridge carination. Woman with two wings holding two goats inverted. This might be Greek. Compare the figures on Lydo-Persian stamps, Iran 8 (1970) pl. 2.23-25, and AGGems 35. V
35/24 Samaria III, pl. 15.22. BL;EXCR. Upper part missing; lower part of a dressed figure flanked by winged felines.
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Other materials
Type C
35/X1 From Utica. Karthago 2 (1951) 50, fig. 17. Cornelian on gold hoop C. BL. Flying, with bird beneath. Compare the Punic-Sicilian coins.
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35/X2 Caboni Coll., from Tharros. BAS 7, 127. Agate in gold mount. Winged horse and dog.
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35/X3 Milan, Torno Coll. Studia Punica 1 (1987) pl. 2.4 (Pisano). Cornelian. BH.
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Type J. Peleus and Thetis (?)
35/X4 Karthago II, no. 767 and III, no. 212. Clay bulla. RM 100 (1993) pl. 62.9; Antike Welt 28 (1997) 414, fig. 25. A woman, head turned right, feet to left, is grappled round her waist by a naked man whom she seizes at the neck. At the other side, a lion and a snake(?), her mutations.
Unidentified (cf. Type D)
35/X5 Carthage no. 676. Fest.Hausmann pl. 66.5. Cornelian. BH. Winged youth holding a bird which he feeds (?), climbing up a snake, bent as two steps. I