34. Gorgons
Greek gorgon elements can be found with other subjects while in early Greek glyptic the behaviour of gorgon figures can be affected by Phoenician Bes: AGGems ch. 4. The pieces listed here are all of heads or busts; cf. AGGems, Index s.v. Gorgoneion.
34/1 Cagliari 376, from Tharros. Anecd pl. 14.B4. BH; on gold hoop B. Gorgoneion. Outstanding snake hair. III
34/2 Cagliari 375, from Tharros. AG pl. 15.67; Hölbl, Sard no. 158. BH. Large gorgoneion supported by upper half of a satyr. III
34/3 Cagliari 9562 (Spano 96?), from Tharros. AG pl. 15.72; Ebers, pl. F 27; OrAnt 21 (1982) pl. 8a (Acquaro); Hölbl, Sard no. 162. BH. Gorgoneion with outstanding snake hair, over a crocodile. III
34/4 Cagliari 9457, from Tharros. AG pl. 15.71; Ebers, pl. G 29; OrAnt 21 (1982) pl. 8c (Acquaro). BH; on gold hoop B. Double gorgoneion, sharing the mouth. I
34/5 From Monte Luna. RSF 11 (1983) pl. 41.4 (Costa); OrAnt 21 (1982) pl. 6a (Acquaro). BH. Two profile satyr heads below.
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34/6 From Monte Luna. Ibid., pl. 6c (Acquaro); AttiFP I, pl. 141.3 (Costa). BH.
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34/7 From Monte Luna. Ibid., pl. 141.4. BH. Broken.
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34/8 Kerkouan Museum REPPAL 9 (1995) pl. 11.26. BH;EXnb. Gorgoneion crowned with a palmette; a satyr head in profile at each side; over a cross-hatched mound with a boar's head at each side. I
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