Record Number: 40000332Sub-database: Poniatowski Reference Number: T301Material of Original Gem: AmethystDescription: HEAD OF AESCULAPIUSInscription Greek: ΑΥΛΟΥSignature: AulosAttributed To: Last Recorded Collection: UnknownPrevious Collections: Catalogue des pierres gravĂ©es antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833): II.138 Christie's, London: 1839-285 Prendeville, J.: Explanatory catalogue of the proof-impressions of the antique gems possessed by the late Prince Poniatowski and now in the possession of John Tyrrell, Esq. (1841): 301 Calandrelli drawing, Antikensammlung Berlin: A.VI.57 Northwick, Worcestershire Mr. Phillips, Auction Offices, 73 New Bond Street, London: 4 August 1859, lot 1343 Platz-Horster,G.: L'antica maniera. Zeichnungen und Gemmen des Giovanni Calandrelli in der Antikensammlung Berlin (2005): P.92 Comments: SEE ALSO ANOTHER CLOSE COPY BY CALANDRELLI (?) IN MIRROR IMAGE
Last updated 06/05/2024 10:50:00 by Peter Stewart. Created 07/07/2009 12:32:00 by . Approved by Wagner, Claudia. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
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