- Record Number: 40002141
- Sub-database: Poniatowski
- Reference Number: 1839-1524
- Material of Original Gem: Cornelian
- Description: [BUST OF] ATHENODORUS
- Inscription Greek: ΑΘΕΝΟΔΟΡΟΣ
- Last Recorded Collection: Gill, D.W.J.: Antiquities of the Grand Tour of Italy (1990): 17, no.6.9
- Previous Collections:
- Catalogue des pierres gravées antiques de S.A. le Prince Stanislas Poniatowski ([1830?]-1833): VIII.11.13
- Christie's, London: 1839-1524
- Northwick, Worcestershire
- Mr. Phillips, Auction Offices, 73 New Bond Street, London: 4 August 1859, lot 610
- Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum: PER 134 (M)
- Henig, M., et al.: Classical gems: Ancient and modern intaglios and cameos in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (1994): no.628
Last updated 06/05/2024 10:46:00 by Peter Stewart. Created 04/02/2007 17:15:00 by . Approved by Wagner, Claudia. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
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