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4138, ATHENIAN, Paphos, District Museum, Paphos, District Museum, 1800.1

  • Vase Number: 4138
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: ASKOS
  • Provenance: CYPRUS, MARION
  • Date: -425 to -375
  • Attributed To: MARION T 58, P OF+ by GIUDICE, G
  • Decoration: A,B: SWAN
  • Last Recorded Collection: Paphos, District Museum: 1800
  • Previous Collections:
    • Paphos, District Museum: 1800.1
  • Publication Record: American Journal of Archaeology: 72 (1968), PL.124.17
    Archaiologikon Deltion: 24.2 (2) (1969), PL.495
    Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 92 (1968), 288, FIG.61
    Giudice, E. and Giudice, G. (eds.), Studi Miscellanei di Ceramografia Greca V (Catania, 2019): 109, PL.12.29-30 (COLOUR OF A AND B)
    Giudice, G. and Muscolino, F., Vasi Attici Corinzi Apuli a Cipro (Catania, 2012): PLS.28.1-2, 38.2 (A, B, UF GRAFFITO)
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 35.0375003814697,32.4333324432373
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 35.037245,32.436032

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