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6156, Satricum, Temple of Mater Matuta II

  • Record number: 6156
  • Site: Satricum
  • Building or zone: Temple of Mater Matuta II
  • Position: Ridge
  • Roof element: Acroteria, human statues
  • Remarks: Fragment of human statue acroterion. 2 joining fragments from drapery at side of figure where front and back panels are joined by strut. Decoration of lower hem: tall band with pattern of XXs with diamonds and triangles in open spaces with stripes above and below.
  • Bibliography: Lulof 1996, J 10d, fig. 72.1
  • Publication record: The ridge-pole statues from the Late Archaic temple at Satricum. Author: Lulof, P.S.. Journal and volume number: Scrinium XI-Satricum V. Place of publication: Amsterdam. Publication Date: 1996
  • Type of decoration: Drapery (Artemis)
  • Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia

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