Remarks: Antefix plaque with Gorgon head in relief, surrounded by strigil shell frame with raised edges around tongues/inner roll ending in volutes with round eyes. Below head & shell, recessed bottom border. On back, vertical ridge rising above small cover tile
Bibliography: Serra 1934, pp. 5 & 13 top row, right
Publication record: Il R. Museo Artistico Industriale di Roma. Author: Serra, L.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1934
Type of decoration: Gorgoneion with strigil shell frame
Last Recorded Collection: Museo dei Conservatori
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 34.4
Width: `33.4
MPD: 6.4
Clay: 10YR 6/4
Paint: Cream slip 10YR 8/3, black on alternating strigil inner outlines, diagonal bands on roll, hair, brows & lids, pupils, alternating beard strands, bottom band across border, red-brown 10R 4/3 on alternating strigil inner outline & beard strands, lips & tongue, chiton top, alternating zigzags on base