Remarks: Young Silen head antefix with neck (W 10) and lion-skin knotted at front (H knot 5).
Bibliography: Moretti Sgubini 1997, p. 163, fig. 21
Publication record: Il Tempio Grande di Vulci: le terrecotte architettoniche di fase arcaica. Author: Moretti Sgubini, A.M.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles II. Place of publication: Amsterdam. Publication Date: 1997. Pages: 151-166
Type of decoration: Young Silen wearing lion-skin
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 11.7
Width: 15
MPD: 6
Clay: 5YR 6/6
Condition: Fragment preserves bottom of antefix plaque