Remarks: Flat painted plaque with top of male head with red curly hair, facing left. Above, brown band (rod?) held in two male hands, above which light red surface. Diam nail hole 0.6
Bibliography: Roncalli 1965, p. 39, no. 36, pl. XIX.3-4, pp. 96-97
Publication record: Le lastre dipinte da Cerveteri. Author: Roncalli, F.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1965
Associated elements: Fragment with finished left edge, part of scythe & male leg in boot
Type of decoration: Male figure facing left
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale
Mouldmade: no
Height: 15.7
Width: 9.9
MPD: 2.9
Clay: 7.5YR 6/6
Paint: Cream ground 10YR 7/3, brown skin 5YR 5/3, red hair 7.5R 4/6, brown band 4YR 5/2
Condition: Finished left edge, broken on other sides