Last Recorded Collection: Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts: 1973.88
Publication Record: Antike Kunst: 21 (1978), PL.18 (A, B) Burlington Magazine: 119 (1977) 78F, FIGS.1, 8-13, 16-17 (A, B, PARTS, UNDER FOOT) Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 397 Filser, W., Die Elite Athens auf der attischen Luxuskeramik, Image & Context 16 (Berlin, Munich, Boston, 2017): 305, FIG.160 (A) Herrmann, J. and Kondoleon, C., (eds.), Games for the Gods, The Greek Athlete and the Olympic Spirit (Boston, 2004): 124, NO.129 (COLOUR OF A) International Congress of Classical Archaeology, 12, Athens, 1983. Praktika, 2-3 Tou XII Diethnous Synedriou Klasikes Archaiologias, Athena, 4-10 Sep: VOL.B, PL.28.3-4 (A,B) Oakley, J.H. et al., Athenian Potters and Painters, The Conference Proceedings (Oxford, 1997): 143, FIG.3 (A) Prodi, E.P. and Vecchiato, S. (eds.), Phaidimos Hektor, Studi in onore di Willy Cingano per il suo 70 compleanno, Antichistica 31 (2021): 126, FIG.4 (A) Prodi, E.P. and Vecchiato, S. (eds.), Phaidimos Hektor, Studi in onore di Willy Cingano per il suo 70 compleanno, Antichistica 31 (2021): 126, FIG.4 (A) Robertson, C., A Shorter History of Greek Art (Cambridge, 1981): 64, FIG.90 (A) Robertson, C.M., The art of vase-painting in classical Athens (Cambridge, 1992): 33, FIG.24 (A) Rodriguez Perez, D. (ed.), Greek Art in Context. Art Historical and Archaeological Perspectives (Oxford and New York, 2017): 107, FIGS.7.5A AND B (A AND B) Simon, E., Ausgewählte Schriften, I, Griechische Kunst (Mainz, 1998): 26, FIG.2.3 (A) Steiner, A., Reading Greek Vases (Cambridge, 2007): 2-3, FIGS.1.1-1.2 (A, B)
CAVI Lemma: RF pelike. Euthymides. Last quarter sixth. 520-510. Very early (?){2}.
CAVI Subject: A: two boy jumpers seen from the front, with a young flautist. B: two boy
jumpers seen from the back, with a young flautist.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: The right jumper: Καλ[λ]ιπ[π]ιδες. The flautist: Αινεα[ς]. Below: Λεαγρος
καλος. B: The flautist:(Σ)μικυθιο(ν), retr. Λεαγρος καλος, ναιχι, retr. Under
the foot, Gr.: upside-down trident; or epsilon with extended middle hasta?
Sampi. Johnston (1979): 2 non-alphabetic marks{3}.
CAVI Footnotes: {2} Robertson (1977); Workshops of Euphronios, perhaps very early Euthymides
(Robertson (1992), ). {3} a parallel is Palermo 1820 (= 1110), by Psiax, fig.
14,e (facs.); see Johnston (1979), p. 2, fig. 14,e, ABV 292/4, Add.[2] 76.
Delete note 1. {1} I read the number in the museum wrongly as 1971.10.
CAVI Comments: Robertson reads Σμικύθιον, but Σμικυθίων is Attic (PA 12,766-71). R.'s text
gives ναικι, but the dr. shows ναιχι. The museum no. is not given by Robertson
(1977) or in Add.[2], but in Robertson (1992), R. gives the number as 1973.88. -
A similar jumper (high up, with legs drawn up): Corinth CCP-2621, Hesp. 49
(1980) 304/27, pl. 87. - Cohen says the vase is `related to Euphronios' work'.
CAVI Number: 2824
AVI Bibliography: BADB 4437. — Robertson (1977), 78-86 (ill.), drs. of inscriptions, 78, photos
of graffiti under the foot, figs. 16-17. — Simon (1978), pl. 18 (A, B). —
Johnston (1979), 40 and 64, ch. 9 n. 6. — Robertson (1981), 64, fig. 90. —
Add.[2] (1989), 396. — AttScr (1990), no. 416. — Robertson (1992), 33-34 and
fig. 24 (A, part). — Cohen (1997), 144, fig. 3 (A).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)