Remarks: Large fragment of raking sima with tall convex strigils with tips painted alternately red/white with interstices (W 0.4) red-brown & alternate strigils painted = tips, above flat fascia with painted white-on-red guilloche with compass point centers 9.5 cm. apart. On back, top 4.5 cm painted brown, below which red-brown with white vertical bands (W ca. 4 cm) & bottom 7 cm & tile top embedded with black sand. From excavations in area of Temple of Castor & Pollux but probably originally belonging to Regia III
Bibliography: Fischer-Hansen 2008, p. 288, JJ-93, pl. 215.1, fig. 225; Winter 2009a, pp. 360-362, 3.A.1.a
Publication record: Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy, 640-510 B.C.. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR Suppl. 9. Place of publication: Ann Arbor. Publication Date: 2009 Votive and architectural terracottas; Tiles (co-authored with C. Grønne). Author: Fischer-Hansen, T.. Journal and volume number: The Temple of Castor and Pollux II.2. Place of publication: Rome. Publication Date: 2008. Pages: 283-312
Associated elements: CA 29.4 (CA 84-31), CA 29.6 (CA 84-29), CF 13.369, CF 13.569a, CA 29,4 (CA 84-110.1-2), CA 29.4 (CA 83-12.1); R65.10/23, R65.24, R65.15, R65.38, R65.72, R64.286, R64.146, R65.16, R65.17
Type of decoration: Convex strigils/painted white-on-red guilloche
Last Recorded Collection: Danish Academy
Height: 15.7
Width: 26.2
MPD: 11.8
Clay: 10YR 7/3
Condition: Preserves full height & finished right edge with no flange