Remarks: Thick fragment (Th 2.5) with deeply convex surface, also curved along its length, on top of which 2 small feline paws oriented at right angle to main curvature. Underside uneven with impressions from smoothing
Bibliography: Gjerstad 1960, p. 423, fig. 265.7; Parisi Presicce 1997, p. 173, figs. 11-12; Winter 2011, p. 65, fig. 6; Mura Sommella 2011, fig. 16*
Publication record: Early Rome III: Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations. Author: Gjerstad, E.. Place of publication: Lund. Publication Date: 1960 Eracle e Dionisio nella decorazione figurata del tempio arcaico di S. Omobono: un' ipotesi eterodossa. Author: Parisi Presicce, C.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles II. Place of publication: Amsterdam. Publication Date: 1997. Pages: 167-177 La dea col tutulo dal tempio arcaico del Foro Boario. Author: Mura Sommella, A.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles IV. Place of publication: Oxford. Publication Date: 2011. Pages: 177-187 The evolution of bases for acroteria in Etruria and Latium (640/630-510 B.C.). Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles IV. Place of publication: Oxford. Publication Date: 2011. Pages: 62-68
Type of decoration: Rampant feline from acroterion of Dionysos & Ariadne