Comparanda: Talamone (Grosseto Museum), Veii Portonaccio antefix and head of statue; Vagnetti 1971, p. 167, note 6
Remarks: Female head antefix wearing diadem and disk earrings (Diam 2.5/3). Plaque rises 8 cm above cover tile at back. Scalloped locks of hair over forehead and 2 rows of ribbon locks below left ear. Flat eyes.
Bibliography: Naumann & Hiller 1959, p. 26, no. 7, Taf. 11; Mostra del restauro archeologico 1970, p. 24, no. 20; Winter 1978, pp. 40-41, pl. 18.1; Winter 2009a, p. 349, 5.C.3.c; Rafanelli in Tetti di terracotta 2011, p, 49, fig. 19.a
Publication record: Archaic architectural terracottas decorated with human heads. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: RM 85. Publication Date: 1978. Pages: 27-58 Mostra del restauro archeologico. Author: Mazzolai, A.. Place of publication: Grosseto. Publication Date: 1970 Rusellae. Vorläufiger Berichte über die Untersuchungen der Jahre 1957 & 1958. Author: Naumann, R & F. Hiller. Journal and volume number: RM 66. Publication Date: 1959. Pages: 1-30 Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy, 640-510 B.C.. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR Suppl. 9. Place of publication: Ann Arbor. Publication Date: 2009 Tetti di terracotta: La decorazione architettonica fittile tra Etruria e Lazio in età arcaica. Atti delle giornate di studio, Sapienza-Università di Roma, 25 marzo e 25 ottobre 2010. Journal and volume number: Officina Etruscologia 5. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 2011
Type of decoration: Female head wearing diadem and disk earrings
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico della Maremma