Comparanda: Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek HIN 28 (H.173), Villa Giulia 2268, Mildenberg collection
Remarks: Ram's head with round opening at neck into head, roughly hollowed. Detached from surface: scar around opening. Handmade. Many spiral curls from head have detached. Surface appears burned
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 135, No. I:35, Pl. 51:162 left; Comella 1993c, pp. 207-108, M1, pl. 60.a
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Le terrecotte architettoniche del santuario dello Scasato à Falerii (scavi 1886-1887). Author: Comella, A.M.. Place of publication: Perugia. Publication Date: 1993
Associated elements: Antefixes with Silen head in lion skin 2685, 2693, 2722, 2723, 3878, 2691; 2724; 2721, 2726; Silen head 2725; female head 2720; rev. plaque 3787, raking sima with lilies 24359-61
Type of decoration: Ram's head
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia