CAVI Lemma: Frs. of RF oinochoe. Painter of Louvre Symposium (Böhr). Third quarter fifth.
Ca. 430 (Böhr).
CAVI Subject: Symposium: upper part of a wreathed and bearded man's head; upper part of a
youth's head, his right hand raised to a very tall stick. Böhr thinks both
figures are reclining.
CAVI Inscriptions: Near the left edge, high above the man's head and to left of it:
[--]σιτος{1}. καλος Λυσανδρ[ος].
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Böhr does not mention whether this name refers to the man on the left; if
not (as is likely), then to a lost figure on the far left. Böhr, p. 85: "Möglich
ist eine Herkunftsangabe wie z.B. `Thasitos' (Hansen, [Rückläufiges Wörterbuch
290])." I suggest [Παρα]σιτος, which CIG lists as a proper name in 4.8077 and
8465. Böhr thinks Lysandros is miswritten for the known love name Lyandros, for
which see ARV[2] 1595 and O. Fuchs, Der attische Adel im Spiegel der
Kalos-inschriften (diss. Vienna 1974) 212. But Böhr also refers to Boston
65.1166, q.v., with Lysandra and Lysimachis (Gr.).
CAVI Comments: Mixed alphabet: [--]sitos is Attic; kalos is Ionic; Lusandr[--] is Attic
again. Tailed rho.
CAVI Number: 7801
AVI Bibliography: BADB 8825. — E. Böhr, CVA Tübingen 4, Germany 52 (1984), pls. 37,6-8 and
52,5-7 (phs. of inscriptions); p. 85, facss. of inscriptions. — Add.[2] (1989),
397. — AttScr (1990), no. 922.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)