Remarks: Several pieces of eaves tile with painted lozenge pattern on soffit, with outer black band (W 1.3, W of lozenge square 7.8)/intermediary red band (W 1.2, W of square 5.1)/inner white square (W 2.6). White ground between lozenges equal to white band (W 1.2). Incised guidelines. At tile front is red band (D 1.5)/white band (D 1.6)/black band (D 1.6) with half lozenge of opposite colors (red exterior and black interior). At back is black band (D 1.7) /red band (D 4.3)
Type of decoration: Painted lozenge pattern
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Etrusco
Mouldmade: no
Clay: 5YR 6/6
Paint: White 10YR 8/3. Reds vary from 7.5R 3/6 + 7.5R 4/6 + 10R 4/4.