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6875, Pyrgi, Temple B

  • Record number: 6875
  • Site: Pyrgi
  • Building or zone: Temple B
  • Position: Pediment
  • Roof element: Columen/mutulus plaque
  • Remarks: Fragment of columen/mutulus plaque. Preserves fragment of drapery and thigh. Hollow.
  • Type of decoration: Drapery & thigh
  • Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium di Pyrgi
  • Mouldmade: no
  • Height: 14.7
  • Width: 7.3
  • MPD: 5.1
  • Paint: Thigh light brown 5YR 6/4. Cream skirt 10YR 8/3 with black/white/brown/white/black stripes at hem. Brown 5YR 5/4.

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