3149, Falerii Veteres/Civita Castellana, Lo Scasato
- Record number: 3149
- Site: Falerii Veteres/Civita Castellana
- Building or zone: Lo Scasato
- Roof element: Pedimental sculpture
- Remarks: Minerva statue half life size with aegis of painted scale pattern with turquoise snakes, deep peplos overfold. Th wall .9-1.7.
- Type of decoration: Minerva statue
- Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
- Mouldmade: no
- Height: 46.3
- Width: 22.7
- MPD: 12.8
- Clay: 10YR 7/3
- Paint: Cloth 5R 4/4. Gold hem 10YR 5/6. Turquoise and red 7.5R 4./6 scale pattern, turquoise snakes. Peplos painted white/ black.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/EA508E71-91FF-48A7-9A58-784C1365E37B