- Record number: 202
- Position: Eaves
- Roof element: Antefixes, heads
- Comparanda: Van Buren 1921a, pp. 25-26, Pl. XV.3 = Andrén 1940, p. 110, h, Pl. 38:128. Votive head from Veii, Campetti deposit: Vagnetti 1971, p. 39, nos. 2 & 3
- Remarks: Female head in round, hollow, with finished bottom edge at neck and hole for meniskos on top (Diam. .9). H concave diadem 3.9
- Bibliography: Breitenstein 1941, p. 81, Pl. 93:4; Vagnetti 1966, p. 114, No. 22.
- Publication record: Danish National Museum. Catalogue of terracottas: Cypriote, Greek, Etrusco-Italian and Roman. Author: Breitenstein, N.. Place of publication: Copenhagen. Publication Date: 1941
Nota sull'attività dei coroplasti etrusche. Author: Vagnetti, L.. Journal and volume number: ArchCl 18. Publication Date: 1966. Pages: 110-114 - Type of decoration: Female head in diadem
- Last Recorded Collection: National Museum
- Mouldmade: yes
- Height: 21.4
- Width: 14.1
- MPD: 17.4
- Clay: 7.5YR 7/4-7/6
- Paint: Cream slip 10YR 7/3, Red 7.5R 4/6, black stripes on diadem & pendants
- Condition: Missing lower rt corner & c.t.
- Height face: 10.5
- Distance outer eyes: 6.7
- Width mouth: 2.9
- Inner H cover tile: 7
- Outer H cover tile: 8
- Inner W cover tile: 10
- Outer W cover tile: 13.5
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/E935C4A4-57CF-4BE0-9DEF-923FEAD58600