Remarks: Relief frieze plaques with phallic herm on altar, slaughter of Medea's sons. Handmade and applied to plaque. Square altar (8990) placed askew, grape-clusters slanted on top, corners hung with flower-garlands, H 10. Herm (9006): base in shape of truncated pyramid. From right cross-bar hangs garland. From phallus, inserted in hole, is suspended broad fillet. Head of Pan probably belongs. MPH herm 24, MPH head 7. Th plaque 2.7. MPW base 15.5, H 9.9. H top flat moulding 1.7. H central panel 6. H bottom flat moulding 2. W herm shaft 3.5, H 22, + base and head 31. At center, draped female holding dead nude child. At right, section (8992: ID 4755) with larger male figure in chiton and himation with legs spread. Between legs smaller nude youth. Now joined to torus below. Finished right edge. 3 nail holes. MPH kneeling figure 25.6.
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, pp. 242-243, no. 12, Pl. 83:293; Artigianato artistico 1985, pp. 140-142, nos. 162-172; Cygielman 1993, p. 373, fig. 9; Cygielman 2000, fig. 91
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Artigianato artistico. L'Etruria settentrionale interna in età ellenistica. Author: Maggiani, A. (ed.). Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 1985 Casa privata e decorazione coroplastica: un ciclo mitologico da Vetulonia. Author: Cygielman, M.. Journal and volume number: Ostraka 2. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 369-382 Vetulonia, Museo Civico Archeologico "Isidoro Falchi." Guida. Author: Cygielman, M.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 2000
Associated elements: also belonging: 8992 (ID 4755), 8985, 8984 (ID 4756), 8994 (ID 4757)
Type of decoration: Phallic herm on altar/woman with dead child/draped man & nude youth
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: no
Height: 44R
Condition: Preserves entire H of herm with part of plaque corner behind head.