Remarks: Life-sized head of boy with long, curly locks. Hollow, handmade. Head turns slightly to his right and upward, but looks downwards. Mouth open. Many locks of hair on his top right side have detached. Bought from P. Arndt. Szilagyi, J. Gy. believes not from same group as 4799 but later.
Bibliography: Hekler 1929, p. 114, no. 104 with illustration, H 20.3, from same group as 4799
Publication record: Die Sammlung antiker Skulpturen, Museum der bildenden Künste in Budapest.. Author: Hekler, A.. Place of publication: Wien. Publication Date: 1929
Type of decoration: Head of Niobid
Last Recorded Collection: Szépmüveszeti Muzeum
Mouldmade: no
Clay: Brown, purified
Condition: Broken at top, missing forehead, chin restored, broken through mid-neck.