CAVI Lemma: RF kantharos. From Athens. Shuvalov Painter. Last quarter fifth. Late period
(Lezzi-Hafter 88).
CAVI Subject: A: fragmentary; mostly the lower parts of figures: Heracles and Athena; at
right, a servant. B: in the center, Eros holds out a live hare; at left, a boy
with a lyre; at right, a boy.
CAVI Inscriptions: B: above the heads of Eros and the boy at left: Αλυπητο[ς]{1}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Pottier's reading. L.-H. 87 says the inscription is hard to read, gives:
Αλυπ(.)το. (.) is a raised v-shaped sign (surely misread).
CAVI Comments: In applied white. L.-H. 87 interprets the inscription either as a genitive or
with sigma as an adjective, translating: `fröhlich, ohne Sorge.' I think that
Alypetos must be a proper name, see LGPN ii (found in the fourth century). But I
agree that the name is here significant. Ionic lambda.
CAVI Number: 6664
AVI Bibliography: ARV[2] (1963), 1210/69. — Lezzi-Hafter (1976), *87, pl. 109/76, pls. 26
(profile), 35 (ornament), and 124,c-d, 125,a-f. — Add.[2] (1989), 346.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)