2836, ATHENIAN, Warsaw, National Museum, Goluchow, private, Czartorski, 142358
- Vase Number: 2836
- Fabric: ATHENIAN
- Technique: RED-FIGURE
- Sub Technique: RELIEF
- Shape Name: ASKOS
- Date: -425 to -375
- Decoration: Body: PANTHER, LIONS
Figure: HEAD OF LION - Last Recorded Collection: Warsaw, National Museum: 142358
- Previous Collections:
- Goluchow, private, Czartorski: 74
- Publication Record: Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GOLUCHOW, MUSEE CZARTORYSKI, 28, PL.(041) 41.11 View Whole CVA Plates
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung: 83 (1976), PL.83.2
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/E5D56C34-9047-4D40-BC76-6CF9FDFDB803