Remarks: Canopic human head. Hollow, handmade, sandy. Pierced holes in ears, vents(?). Canopic head?
Bibliography: NSc 1934, pp. 406-407, fig. 62; Martelli 1979, p. 413, Pl. XCV-XCVI
Publication record: Populonia: cultura locale e contatti con il mondo greco. Author: Martelli, M.. Journal and volume number: L'Etruria mineraria. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1979. Pages: 413
Type of decoration: Canopic head
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
Mouldmade: no
Height: 19
Width: 16
MPD: 20.2
Clay: Reddish brown
Paint: Red surface 5YR 5/6.
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