Last Recorded Collection: St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum: ST1670
Previous Collections:
St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum: 644
St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum: B1650
Publication Record: Angiolillo, S., Arte e cultura nell'Atene di Pisistrato e dei Pisistratidi (Bari, 1997): 123, FIG.68 (PART OF BD) Antike Welt: 32 (2001) 2, 190-191, FIGS.12A-D (COLOUR OF BD) Bazant, J., Les citoyens sur les vases atheniens, Rocnik 95 (1985) 2: PL.32.52 (DRAWING) Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 16.15, 1619 Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-figure Vase-painters, 1st ed. (Oxford, 1942): 17.12 Beazley, J.D., Attische Vasenmaler des rotfigurigen Stils (Tübingen, 1925): 60.10 Belloni, L., Bonandini, A., Ierano, G., and Moretti, G. (eds.), Le Immagini nel Testo, il Testo nelle Immagini, Rapporti fra parola e visualita nella tradizione greco-latina (Trento, 2010): 69, FIG.12 (COLOUR) Benndorf, O., Wiener Vorlegeblätter für archäologische Übungen (Vienna, 1888-1890/91): V, PL.2 Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases (London, 1975): FIG.27 Bodiou, L. (ed.), Chemin faisant, Mythes, cultes et societe en Grece ancienne, Melanges en l'honneur de Pierre Brule (Rennes, 2009): 282-283, FIG.6 (DRAWING) Bodiou, L. et al., Parures et artifices, le corps expose danse l'Antiquite (Paris, 2011): 110, FIG.6 (DRAWING OF PART) Bottini, A. (ed.), Il Trono Ludovisi e il Trono di Boston (1996): 23, FIG.6 (PART) Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 73, 509 Buschor, E., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1914): 159 (DETAIL) Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 153 Classical Antiquity: 16 (1997) FIG.4 AT 150 (PART OF BD) Cloche, P., Les classes, les metiers, le trafic (Paris, 1931): PL.5.4 Compte rendu de la Commission Impériale Archéologique (St. Petersburg, 1860-83): 1869, PL.5 Dierichs, A., Erotik in der Kunst Griechenlands (Mainz, 2008): 61, FIG.44A-D (COLOUR OF BD) Drougou, S., Der Attische Psykter (Würzburg, 1975): PL.4.1 (PART) Echos du Monde Classique, Classical Views: 12 (1993) 195, PL.1.2 (DRAWING OF PART) Filser, W., Die Elite Athens auf der attischen Luxuskeramik, Image & Context 16 (Berlin, Munich, Boston, 2017): 183, FIG.57 (PART OF BD) Frontisi-Ducroux, F., Du Masque au Visage, Aspects de l'identite en Grece ancienne (Paris, 1995): PL.86 (DRAWING) Furtwängler, A. and Reichhold, K., Griechische Vasenmalerei (Munich, 1904-32): PL.63 (BD) Hagenow, G., Aus dem Weingarten der Antike (Mainz, 1982): 77, FIG.25 (PART) Hedreen, G., The Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece, Art, Poetry, and Subjectivity (Cambridge, 2016): 43, 255, FIG.15, 54 (PARTS) Heilmeyer, W-D. and Giuliani, L. (eds.), Euphronios, der Maler, eine Ausstellung in der Sonderausstellungshalle der Staatlichen Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin-Dahlem, 20.3. - 26.5.1991 (Milan, 1991): 179-181, NO.33 (COLOUR OF BD) Hesperia, The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 60 (1991) PL.98 (PART, DRAWING OF PART) Hoppin, A., A handbook of Attic red-figured vases signed by or attributed to the various masters of the sixth and fifth centuries B.C. (Cambridge, 1919): I, 405 Huf, L., Frauen jenseits der Konvention, Alterszüge, Tätowierungen und afrikanische Physiognomien im Frauenbild attischer Vasen des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Munich, 2018): 66, FIG.23 (COLOUR OF PART OF BD) Isler-Kerenyi, C., Dionysos in Classical Athens. An Understanding through Images (Leiden and Boston, 2014): 31, FIG.11 (DRAWING OF BD) Kilmer, M.F., Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases (London, 1993): PL. AT P.146, R20 (DRAWING OF PART) Klein, W., Euphronios (1886): 105 Korshak, Y., Frontal Faces in Attic Vase Painting of the Archaic Period (Chicago, 1977): 93, FIG.19 (PART) Lydakis, S., Ancient Greek Painting and its Echoes in Later Art (Athens, 2002): 102, FIG.82 (PART OF BD) Morais, R., Centeno, R., and Freitas Ferreira, D. (eds.), Myths, Gods and Heroes. Greek Vases in Portugal – Mitos, Deuses e Heróis. Vasos Gregos em Portugal (Porto, 2022): II, 246, FIG.10C (COLOUR OFPARTS) PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 8 (BD, PARTS OF BD, DRAWINGS OF BD) Padgett, J.M. (ed.), The Berlin Painter and His World, Athenian Vase-Painting in the Early Fifth Century B.C., Princeton University Art Museum Monograph Series (New Haven and London, 2017): 93, FIG.9 (COLOUR OF PART) Pasquier, A., Euphronios, genie de la peinture grecque, Archeologia hors serie numero 1 (Dijon, 1991): 21 (COLOUR OF PARTS OF BD) Peschel, I., Die Hetäre bei Symposium und Komos in der attisch rotfigurigen Malerei des 6.-4. Jhs. v.Chr. (Frankfurt, 1987): PL.42 Pfuhl, E., Malerei und Zeichnung der Griechen (Munich, 1923): FIG.394 (DETAIL) Roebuck, C. (ed.), The Muses at Work (Cambridge, Mass., 1969): 235, 2, ABOVE (PART) Schuller, W., Die Welt der Hetären. Berühmte Frauen zwischen Legende und Wirklichkeit (Stuttgart, 2008): FIG.19 (COLOUR OF PART) Spivey, N., The Sarpedon Krater, The Life and Afterlife of a Greek Vase (Chicago, 2018): 92-93, FIG.23 (PARTS) Topper, K., The imagery of the Athenian symposium (Cambridge, 2012): 119, FIG.45 (PART) Tsingarida, A. (ed.), Shapes and Uses of Greek Vases (7th-4th centuries B.C.), Proceedings of the Symposium held at the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 27-29 April 2006 (Brussels, 2009): 340, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF PART) Yatromanolakis, D. (ed.), An Archaeology of Representations, Ancient Greek Vase-Painting and contemporary Methodologies (Athens, 2009): 226, FIG.7 (PART OF BD)
CAVI Lemma: RF psykter. From Cerveteri. Euphronios. Last quarter sixth. 510-500. 515-510
CAVI Subject: Symposium: four nude hetaerae reclining.
CAVI Inscriptions: Left to right: one hetaera playing kottabos: τὶν τάνδε λατάσσο, | Λέαγρε,
retr. By her face: Σμικρα. To left of the frontal face of the second hetaera:
Παλαιστο̅́,(1) retr. In the field, a two-liner, non-stoich.: Ευ(φ)ρονιος |
εγραφσεν. By the face of the third hetaera (who plays the flutes): Σεκλινε,
retr. By the face of the fourth hetaera who sits apart holding out a skyphos:
Αγαπε, retr.{2}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} the facs. shows the pi not reversed. {2} `Euphr.' has Αγαπα, retr.,
perhaps in error. The photo on p. 167 shows a worn area and a break after the
pi, so that it is impossible to tell which is right.
CAVI Comments: = inv. 1650. = St. 1670. Furtwängler in FR notes that three of the hetaerae
each hold two drinking vessels [the fourth plays the flutes]; and that the use
of kottabos is here for a `Liebesorakel.' The vase is thus in praise of Leagros.
For Σεκλινε see AttScr, and for Αγαπε, Beazley in ARV[2]. The use of retr. seems
more or less determined by the position of the hetaerae. Robertson in Robertson
(1992), mentions the suggestion that a symposium of hetaerae is a vase painter's
joke. On p. 28 he comments on the Doric dialect of the kottabos inscription: is
it symposium formula or was a real Smikra a Dorian? I think the former is more
likely. - For Agape see also Drougou n. 261; for the kottabos see nn. 262-63.
Agape is listed in LGPN ii. BCH 1956, 307: Αγαπα is the name of a dead woman
from Pharsalus, beginning 5th.
CAVI Number: 7353
AVI Bibliography: FR (1904–32), ii, 15-19, pl. 63. — ARV[2] (1963), 16/15, 1619. —
Peredol’skaya (1967), 24/17, pls. 14-15, 166,2-7 (facss.). — Para. (1971), 509.
— Drougou (1975), 16/A 23, 85-87 with nn. 261-63, pl. 4,1 (side; does not show
inscriptions). — Add.[2] (1989), 153. — Arezzo (1990), 146/27. — AttScr (1990),
no. 361. — Lioubov (1990), 164/33 (ill.). — [[Csapo–Miller (1991), 373ff., no.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
Image Credits: FURTWANGLER-REICHHOLD DRAWING: Please consult with Williams College Special Collections staff and Williams College Visual Resources Center staff, regarding questions about publishing and accessing materials from Williams College Special Collections. Researchers are responsible for handling any copyright issues that may be associated with collections and materials.