Main SiteGandhara ConnectionsVase Corpus (CVA Online)

383, ATHENIAN, Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts, 08.31C

  • Vase Number: 383
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: SKYPHOS
  • Date: -500 to -450
  • Decoration: A: SATYR, PHALLOS BIRD
  • Last Recorded Collection: Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts: 08.31C
  • Publication Record: Antike Kunst: 12 (1969), PL.11.4, 5 (A, B)
    Barringer, J.M., The Hunt in ancient Greece (Baltimore and London, 2001): 94, FIG.54 (B)
    Hephaistos: 9 (1988) 149, FIG.9 (B)
    Keuls, E., The Reign of the Phallus (New York, 1985): 77, FIG.63 (A)
    Kilmer, M.F., Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases (London, 1993): PL.AT P.146, R1159 (A, B)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VIII, PL.767, SILENOI 122 (A)
    Lissarrague, F., La cite des satyres. Une anthropologie ludique (Athenes, VIe-Ve siecle avant J.-C.) (Paris, 2013): 79, FIG.50 (DRAWING OF A AND B)
    Metis: 2 (1987) 1, 84, FIG.10 (DRAWINGS OF A AND B)
    Panto, G. (ed.), I modi dell'Eros. Reperti archeologici a tema erotico del Museo di Antichita di Torino (Turin, 2011): 61, UNNUMBERED (DRAWING OF A AND B)
    Revue Archeologique: 1974, 206, FIG.11 (B)
    Van Keuren, F. (ed.), Myth, Sexuality and Power, Images of Jupiter in Western Art, Archaeologia Transatlantica XVI (Louvain-La-Neuve, 1998): 48, FIG.9 (A)
  • LIMC ID: 7989
  • LIMC Web:
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Last updated 26/07/2024 17:35:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 18/10/2003 11:54:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Approved by Mannack, Thomas. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.

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