Comparanda: Type B examples 15892a-c, 15819, 15904b-c
Remarks: Type A (larger): small antefix plaque with strigil shell frame with scalloped outer edge (Th 2.6), slightly convex tongues with surrounding channel & raised edge, alternately painted red & cream with red raised edge. Inside shell, flat fascia which also runs along bottom of antefix, above recessed ledge (H .6) with band of painted red oblique lines. Inside ledge & fascia, small palmette with 9 cordoned petals (H central petal 5.5 with cordoned edge), radiating from raised, inverted U-shaped thin band (H 3). Curved cover tile attached to back at base of plaque with strigils projecting above
Bibliography: Rescigno 1998a, pp. 65, 70, 324, type C2109
Publication record: Tetti Campani. Età arcaica. Cuma, Pitecusa e gli altri contesti. Author: Rescigno, C.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1998
Associated elements: Type A examples: 3983, 15839, 15904a?
Type of decoration: Convex strigils/relief palmette of 9 cordoned petals/painted oblique lines
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium Comunale
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 6.5
Width: 10.1
Clay: 10YR 7/3
Paint: Cream slip 10YR 7/3, red-purple 10R 4/3
Condition: Fragment of lower left corner of plaque with scar of cover tile