Building or zone: Palatine hill - Germalus, room IV, wall M
Position: Pediment apex or corner?
Roof element: Acroteria, human statues?
Remarks: a) Fragment of drapery over left shoulder of male torso of which part of nude chest remains. b) fragment of drapery. c) drapery & elbow or knee of statue. d) small fragments of drapery
Bibliography: Gjerstad 1960, p. 78; Carettoni 1967, p. 317, no. 70a,b,c,d, fig. 45 bottom; Phillips 1989a, p. 298, n. 64
Publication record: Early Rome III: Fortifications, domestic architecture, sanctuaries, stratigraphic excavations. Author: Gjerstad, E.. Place of publication: Lund. Publication Date: 1960 Roma (Palatino) - scavo della zona a sud-ovest della Casa di Livia. Prima relazione: la casa repubblicana. Author: Carettoni, G.. Journal and volume number: NSc. Publication Date: 1967 The architectural terracottas. Author: Phillips, K.M., Jr.. Journal and volume number: Lacus Iuturnae I, ed. M. Steinby. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1989. Pages: 277-302
Type of decoration: Male statue with drapery over left shoulder