Remarks: Painted wall plaque. Recessed bottom Th 2. Black band across bottom H 1.6. H above bottom edge 1.7. Draped male figure to right and nude youth with crossed legs to left. Draped male has black outlines and inner folds of drapery. Red-brown hems with thin inner stripe and square dots on cloth. L foot 6.2, 6.5.
Bibliography: Stefani 1953, p. 72, no. 2, fig. 50
Publication record: Veio. Tempio detto dell'Apollo. Esplorazione e sistemazione del santuario. Author: Stefani, E.. Journal and volume number: NSc. Publication Date: 1953. Pages: 29-112
Type of decoration: Draped male to right and nude youth with crossed legs
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia