Building or zone: Temple of Mater Matuta - Etrusco-Ionian roof
Position: Ridge
Roof element: Acroterion base
Remarks: Large fragment of acroterion base with flat vertical side plaque (MPH 9.5, MPW 24.2, Th 2.4) with semicylindrical underside and curved opening for cover tile partially preserved along bottom; above, projecting flat fascia (H 2.7) extending 1.4 beyond edge of vertical plaque, with horizontal resting surface of 4.7; alongside resting surface, vertical wall (Th 1.82-2.6) running parallel to fascia edge and then curving inwards, away from edge.
Bibliography: Winter 2009a, p. 477, 6.E.4.a, fig. 6.36; Winter 2011, p. 63, fig. 4
Publication record: Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy, 640-510 B.C.. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR Suppl. 9. Place of publication: Ann Arbor. Publication Date: 2009 The evolution of bases for acroteria in Etruria and Latium (640/630-510 B.C.). Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles IV. Place of publication: Oxford. Publication Date: 2011. Pages: 62-68
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: no
Height: 20.5
Width: 28
MPD: 5.8
Clay: 5YR 6/6
Paint: Cream slip on outer surfaces 10YR 7/4, red paint on cover tile opening