Remarks: Gorgoneion antefix with strigil shell frame. H face-beard tip 14.8. Cover tile on back, top painted brown.
Bibliography: Wohl 1996
Publication record: A Campanian Gorgon antefix. Author: Wohl, B.. Journal and volume number: J. Paul Getty Museum Journal 24. Publication Date: 1996. Pages: 13-20
Type of decoration: Gorgoneion
Last Recorded Collection: J. Paul Getty Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 27
Width: 36.8
MPD: 12.5
Clay: 2.5YR 5/6
Paint: Beige slip, thick and fine. Brown alternating inner strigil outline, alternating diagonal bands on rounded moulding, hair, alternating beard strands, upper band and boxes on base, eyes and lashes, volute eyes 2.5YR 5/2. Red-brown alternating outlines, diagonal bands, ear outline, mouth and tongue, bottom line and boxes, dot 2.5YR 4/4. Plaque back and edges painted cream.