Remarks: Fragment of antefix plaque decorated with Silen head, moulded in relief and painted. Nostrils pierced, also ridge between nose & lips, side ends of mouth, animal ear centers & possibly edge around hairline, added after moulding. Back of head slightly hollowed; possible scar of cover tile at bottom of fragment
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 215, No. I:3, Pl. 79:272; Die Welt der Etrusker 1988, p. 178, B 6.2 (dated 525-500 B.C.)
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Die Welt der Etrusker: archäologische Denkmäler aus Museen der sozialistischen Länder. Author: Kunze, M., & V. Kästner (eds.). Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1988
Type of decoration: Silen head
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 19.9
Width: 16.5
MPD: 10
Clay: 10YR 6/4
Paint: Black on top of head (hair), eyelids, moustache, beard. White 10YR 8/3 head-band fillet, with red-brown 2.5YR 4/4 chevron pattern pointing towards center top. Red-brown 5YR 3/4 skin & lips & ear edge
Condition: Single piece, missing shell, lower beard & base