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4321, ATHENIAN, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, 17353

  • Vase Number: 4321
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: BLACK-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: SKYPHOS
  • Provenance: ITALY, BOLOGNA
  • Date: -525 to -475
  • Attributed To: Manner of THESEUS P by HASPELS
  • Last Recorded Collection: Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico: 130
  • Previous Collections:
    • Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico: 17353
    • Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico: 16516
    • Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico: DL109
  • Publication Record: American Journal of Archaeology: 99 (1995) 653, FIG.10 (PARTS OF A AND B)
    Batino, S., Lo skyphos attico dall'iconografia alla funzione (Naples, 2002): 462, FIG.15 (DRAWING OF A)
    Berti, F., and Gasparri, C., Dionysos, mito e mistero (Bologna, 1989): 101.42 (A, B)
    Bieber, M., Die Denkmäler zum Theaterwesen im Altertum (Berlin, 1920): 88, FIG.91 (DRAWING)
    Bieber, M., The History of the Greek and Roman Theater, 2nd ed. (Princeton, 1961): 19, FIG.58 (DRAWING)
    Boardman, J. (ed.), Cambridge Ancient History, Plates to Volumes 5 & 6 (Cambridge, 1995): 140, FIG.143 (DRAWING)
    Borgers, O., The Theseus painter, style, shapes and iconography, Allard Pierson Series 16 (Amsterdam, 2004): FIG.74 (PROFILE)
    Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BOLOGNA, MUSEO CIVICO 2, III.H.E.22, PL.(342) 43.1-4 View Whole CVA Plates
    Deubner, L., Attische Feste (Berlin, 1932): PL.11.1 (DRAWING)
    Estienne, S. et al. (eds.), Image et religion dans l'antiquite greco-romaine, actes du colloque de Rome, 11-13 decembre 2003 (Naples, 2008): 127, FIG.3 (DRAWING OF A AND B)
    Gebauer, J., Pompe und Thysia, attische Tieropferdarstellungen auf schwarz- und rotfigurigen Vasen (Münster, 2002): 697, FIG.43 (DRAWING OF A AND B)
    Guazzelli, T, Le Antesterie, Liturgie e pratiche simboliche (Florence): FIG.17 (DRAWING)
    Haspels, C.H.E., Attic Black-figured Lekythoi (Paris, 1936): 253.15
    Hatzivassiliou, E., Athenian Black Figure Iconography between 510 and 475 B.C. (Rahden, 2010): PL.1.1 (DRAWING)
    Hesperia, The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 81 (2012) 247, FIG.10 (PART OF A)
    Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts: 27 (1912), BEIL.1.3 AT 61 (DRAWING)
    Kaltsas, N. and Shapiro, A., Worshiping Women, Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens (Athens and New York, 2008): 270, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF A)
    Kerenyi, K., Dionysos (London, 1976): FIG.56
    Laxander, H., Individuum und Gemeinschaft im Fest, Untersuchungen zu attischen Darstellungen von Festgeschehen im 6. und frühen 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Münster, 2000): PL.13.1 (DRAWING OF A AND B)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: III, PL.398, DIONYSOS 829 (DRAWING)
    Merkouri, Ch. et al., Baskanos Ophthalmos, Symbola Mageias apo Idiotikes Archaiologikes Sylloges (Athens, 2010): 41, FIG.2 (DRAWING OF PARTS)
    Nilsson, M., Geschichte der griechischen Religion (Munich, 1941-50): PL.36.1 (DRAWING)
    Numismatica e Antichita Classiche, Quaderni Ticinesi: 12 (1983), 111, PL.2 (DRAWING)
    Parke, H., Festivals of the Athenians (London, 1977): FIG.42 (PART)
    Parker, R., Polytheism and Society at Athens (Oxford, 2005): 303, FIG.19 (DRAWING)
    Pellegrini, G., Catalogo dei vasi greci dipinti della necropoli felsinee (Bologna, 1912): 39, FIG.23 (DRAWING)
    Philipp, M. et al., Dionysos, Rausch und Ekstase (Munich, 2013): 28, FIG.4 (DRAWING OF A AND B)
    Pickard-Cambridge, A., Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy (Oxford, 1962): 113, FIG.4 (DRAWING)
    Pickard-Cambridge, A., Dithyramb, Tragedy and Comedy, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1962): 83, FIG.3 (DRAWING)
    Pickard-Cambridge, A., The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (Oxford, 1953): 12, FIG.6 (DRAWING)
    Pickard-Cambridge, A., The Dramatic Festivals of Athens, 2nd ed (Oxford, 1968): 13, FIG.11 (DRAWING)
    Rumpf, A., Die Religion der Griechen (Leipzig, 1928): FIG.152 (DRAWING)
    Schlesier, R. and Schwarzmaier, A. (eds.), Dionysos, Verwandlung und Ekstase (Berlin, 2008): 91, FIG.12 (DRAWING OF A AND PART OF B)
    Schöne, A., Der Thiasos, Eine ikonographische Untersuchung über das Gefolge des Dionysos i.d. att. Vasenmalerei des 6.u.5. Jhs.v.Chr. (Goteborg,1987): PL.30.1 (DRAWING)
    Simon, E., Festivals of Attica, an Archaeological Commentary (Wisconsin, 1983): 94, FIG.12 (DRAWING OF PART OF A)
    Steinhart, M., Die Kunst der Nachahmung (Mainz, 2004): PL.35.1 (DRAWING)
    Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum: I, PL.3.GR81B (DRAWING OF A)
    Wachsmann, S., The Gurob ship-cart model and its Mediterranean context (College Station TX, 2013): 123, FIG.3.44 (DRAWING OF A AND B)
  • LIMC ID: 8153
  • LIMC Web:
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 44.504822,11.34516
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 44.4945737,11.3455467
Image Image Image Image

Last updated 26/07/2024 17:41:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 18/10/2003 13:12:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Approved by Mannack, Thomas. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.

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