2289, Athènes, Epigr. Mous., 6284
Record Number: 2289Provenance: Athènes, AcropoleLast Recorded Collection: Athènes, Epigr. Mous.: 6284Date Text: Ca 520/510 a. C. ?Bibliography:
IG I Suppl. 2 (1886) p. 85 n° 373.75; IG I (1924) 521 n.; A. E. Raubitschek JŒAI 31 1938 Bibl. 51; Id. DAA (1949) 239; IG I 2 (1994) 625.
Signature: <ΣΙΓΝΑΤΥΡΕ-ΓΡΕΕΚ> - - - - ΕΠΟΙΕΣΕΝ (1) ΣΙΓΝΑΤΥΡΕ-ΓΡΕΕΚ>Artist: (zzz) - -: - -Monument: Abaque d'un pilier mutilé.Commentary: Ou BION 01002 ?? Peut-être identique à IG I (1873) 405 = IG I (1924) 521 n. Rapproché par Raubitschek du fragment de pilier Mous. Akrop., inv. Th 311. Vidit GD 1967 — greater than descr. + dessin + ph. 4.47.
Last updated 12/06/2016 15:57:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 02/04/2004 20:34:00 by Parker, Greg. Approved by Parker, Greg. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
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