213196, ATHENIAN, Adolphseck, Schloss Fasanerie, 31
- Vase Number: 213196
- Fabric: ATHENIAN
- Technique: RED-FIGURE
- Shape Name: CUP B
- Date: -475 to -425
- Attributed To: Group of PENTHESILEA P by BEAZLEY
- Decoration: A,B: UNDECORATED
I: DRAPED YOUTHS WITH STAFFS, ONE SEATED, WRITING TABLET SUSPENDED - Last Recorded Collection: Adolphseck, Schloss Fasanerie: 31
- Publication Record: Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 969.68
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: ADOLPHSECK, SCHLOSS FASANERIE 1, 17, PL.(503) 25.1-3 View Whole CVA Plates - AVI Web: https://www.avi.unibas.ch/DB/searchform.html?ID=8
- AVI Record Number: 8
- CAVI Collection: Adolphseck 31.
- CAVI Lemma: RF cup. From Italy. Undetermined Penthesilean. Second quarter fifth. Ca. 470
- CAVI Subject: Int.: youth leaning on his stick and seated youth with stick; between them
and above, a bag. Ext.: plain.
- CAVI Inscriptions: Int.: at left, two-liner, upward: ο παις | καλος{1}.
- CAVI Footnotes: {1} so CVA, text; one cannot be sure that this was written without heta.
- CAVI Number: 0008
- AVI Bibliography: F. Brommer, CVA Adolphseck 1, Germany 11 (1956), pl. 25,1-2 (bibl.). — ARV[2]
(1963), 969/68.
- CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/CCD39EE7-88D7-4725-AF0A-4B6D6D8E1473