172, Hermes, with winged petasos and holding purse and caduceus leans on a column. Before him a cock, behind him a scorpion. Ground line.
- Record Number: 40004697
- Sub-database: Marlborough
- Reference Number: 172
- Material of Original Gem: Cornelian
- Description: Hermes, with winged petasos and holding purse and caduceus leans on a column. Before him a cock, behind him a scorpion. Ground line.
- Last Recorded Collection: Walters Art Museum, Baltimore: 42.1283
- Previous Collections:
- Story-Maskelyne, M.H.: The Marlborough Gems (1870): no. 172
- Boardman, J., Scarisbrick, D., Wagner C., Zwierlein-Diehl, E: The Marlborough Gems (2009): no. 610
- Size: 11x9
- Comments: Set in a modern gold ring.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/CC834B6A-8A6F-49D2-BC09-A72098A43BD5