6030, ATHENIAN, Tampa (FL), Museum of Art, Basel, market, Münzen und Medaillen A.G., Tampa (FL), Museum of Art, Maplewood (N.J.), private, Joseph V. Noble, 1986.095
Last Recorded Collection: Tampa (FL), Museum of Art: 86.95
Previous Collections:
Basel, market, Münzen und Medaillen A.G.
Maplewood (N.J.), private, Joseph V. Noble: 243
Tampa (FL), Museum of Art: 1986.095
Publication Record: Hoffmann, H., Sexual and Asexual Pursuit (1977): PL.3.5, 6.4 Hornbostel, W. et al., Aus Gräbern und Heiligtümern, Die Antikensammlung Walter Kropatscheck (Mainz, 1980): 153, RIGHT