CAVI Lemma: RF column krater. Nikoxenos Painter. Last quarter sixth. 510-500. Ca. 520
CAVI Subject: Fragmentary: A: Dionysus between a pair of maenad and satyr on each side. B:
three pairs of maenad and satyr; at right, a fourth satyr.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: at left: [Αρι]σ[τ]ειδες. Under the foot, Gr.: Μο{1}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} the readings are taken from the Sonderliste and Hornbostel. I assume that
the kalos is lost.
CAVI Comments: Ex Basel Market (M.M.)(?): so ARV[2] and Add.[2]. L. told me, Helgoland,
Private. Add.[2] has a reference to the cat. of the Kropatscheck Collection; the
statement that it is now in the Basel Market may be an error or the Kropatscheck
collection is being sold. - Shapiro thinks this should be Aristeides the Just
whose birth he puts ca. 535. J.K. Davies (1971) had been vague on the birth
date, 530 or 520. A. was a grandson of Kallias I of the family of the Kerykes.