CAVI Collection: Athens, KAM 3ε.(1). [LIST AS: Athens, Triti Ephoria A 5606.]
CAVI Lemma: Fragmentary RF lekythos. From Athens, Ceramicus, Marathon Street 61{2}.
Achilles Painter. Third quarter fifth. Ca. 440 (Dontas). 450-445 (Oakley).
CAVI Subject: [Mistress and Maid:] woman to right with a small box; parts of a woman seated
to left (mostly lost), wearing a diadem; at upper left, head scarf and oinochoe;
at upper right, another oinochoe.
CAVI Inscriptions: To upper right of standing woman's head, horizontal: Χρυσοθεμις̣. Between the
women, at height of standing woman's head: Αξιοπειθης | καλος | Αλκιμαχω. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Above the head of the seated woman,
horizontal: Ευρυ[--]{3}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} not in Beazley. Dontas does not specify where the lekythos is; his number
is KAM 3ε; it is listed in Delt. as Triti Ephoria, and by Oakley as Triti
Ephoria A 5606. The vase is probably the same as the [RF] lekythos listed in
Add.[2] 393, with different bibliography, as `Athens, NM, from Athens', although
the last word of the inscription is there given as ΑΛΚΙΜΑΧΟΣ; Dontas' vase has
no final sigma there. {2} ancient rubbish heap. {3} Dontas: Eurydike, Eurykleia
and Eurynome are possibilities, but D. prefers Eurydike, not the bride of
Orpheus but an underworld goddess (bibl. in n. 31). - The final sigma of
Chrysothemis is incomplete. Oakley in the cat. misprints the name. The ph. in
Oakley shows that he rightly prints Αλκιμαχω with a final omega (for omicron
upsilon). Oakley notes that the Achilles Painter never names contemporary
figures; he finds Reilly's theory that the vase refers to the wedding of the
Danaids attractive, since Chrysothemis, Eurydike and Eurythoe are known Danaid
names. The diadem may mean that Eury[--] is the bride. See however LGPN ii.
[[From CAVI 946:]] Chrysothemis and Eurydike are both listed in LGPN ii, the
former i.a. from SEG 31.55, c. 440, the latter Hellenistic only. Eurynome is
listed as doubtful; Eurykleia is not listed. The question is, are these two good
Athenian names or is the scene mythological?
CAVI Comments: Oakley 14 points out that the tabella is not at the top, as most of them are,
but [a bit] lower [this is because it is lower than the name of Chrysothemis and
at the same height as that of the seated Eury[--]). Dontas thinks not a mistress
and maid scene: Chrysothemis is a free woman and the seated woman is a bride
(see further `ftn' 3). Ionic alphabet.Reilly lists the first name as Χρυσοθημις,
which led me to postulate wrongly a syllabic hε [[h(ε)]] in CAVI. For the seated
woman, Reilly suggests either Ευρυ[δικη] or Ευρυ[θοη]. She considers the seated
woman the bride, the standing woman, an attendant. Both names suggested by her
for the bride are names of Danaids; that myth is connected with weddings.
Chrysothemis is also a Danaid name; but see the listing in LGPN ii. —
CAVI Number: 1746
AVI Bibliography: BADB 3971 (no museum no.; with ALKIMACHOU). — Alexandri (1969), 56 and 59f.
no. 31, ph. pl. 51,β [[sm., illeg.]]. — Michaud (1971), 821, ph. 826 fig. 45
[[sm., almost invis.]]. — Dontas (1973), 71-75, pl. 12,1-4 [[sm. but vis.]]. —
Add.[2] (1989), 393. — Reilly (1989), 430 and 433/13 (no ill.). — Oakley (1997),
11, 14, *64, 130/115, pls. 74E (shoulder) and 75 (shows inscriptions).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)