Comparanda: Cf. for use: Mau, Pompeii Its Life & Work, p. 253; Durm, Baukunst der Etrusker, p. 218. Erika Simon: Pyrgi?
Remarks: Large, hollow griffin forequarters, neck & head. Scars for front legs (held forward, right possibly raised) & wings (with typical Archaic feathers, alternating solid black with white inner line, white with red, red with ?). breast feathers with cream outlines & Vs, inner lines on wing feathers. Long black feather pointing downards on neck & on wings. At lower back, curved scar of torso? MPH head 7.8, W 6, Diam eyes 1.7, raised pupils 1.3
Bibliography: Turfa 2005, p. 249, no. 278 (dated Late Archaic)
Publication record: Catalogue of the Etruscan Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Author: Turfa, J.M.. Place of publication: Philadelphia. Publication Date: 2005
Type of decoration: Griffin protome
Last Recorded Collection: University Museum
Mouldmade: no
Height: 22.8
Width: 12.8
MPD: 13.3
Clay: 10YR 7/3
Paint: Red 7.5R 4/4 on eyelids, pupil outline, 2 lines around mouth, tongue, ruff, breast feathers. Black and white on feathers