CAVI Collection: Chiusi, Museo Arch. Nazionale P 834.
CAVI Lemma: Fragmentary RF cup. From Chiusi. Unattributed; Circle of Penthesilea Painter
(Rastrelli, CVA). Second quarter fifth. End of second quarter (CVA).
CAVI Subject: Int.: youth washing: in the center, a draped youth seen from the back; at
left, his stick hung up; at right, a wash basin. Ext.: plain.
CAVI Inscriptions: Int.: on the bowl of the basin, in BG: καλος.
CAVI Comments: Ex Paolozzi collection. The inscription is not neat.
CAVI Number: 3174
AVI Bibliography: A. Rastrelli, CVA Chiusi 2, Italy 60 (1982), pls. 17 and 20,3; dr. of inscr.
p. 11 (no bibl.).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)