CAVI Lemma: Fragmentary lip cup. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth. 550-530.
CAVI Subject: Lip: A and B: no figured decoration.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: handle zone: short and well centered: Ϙομαιο(ς){1}. B: Ϙομαιος{2}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Simon reads Ϙομαιοι, but considers it a known epithet of Apollo Komaios.
The regular ending would be κομοιος, but cf. σκοτος/σκοταιος, χερσος/χερσαιος.
The suggestion is originally Herter's. The last letter is a vertical stroke,
which could be a simplified sigma (see above). {2} the last letter looked more
like a sigma than that on A.
CAVI Comments: The photo (of A) is small, and my own readings are uncertain: ϙο(μ)αιοι
(first reading); ϙομαιο(ς) (second reading). The first letter does not look much
like a koppa unless the head attaches to the top left of the vertical; but CVA
clearly indicates koppa. The mu on A seems to consist of a vertical plus Attic
gamma. I originally thought a nonsense inscription more likely. The final sigma
resembles iota in the facs., probably so on both sides. Lissarrague reads
ϙομαιος and interprets it as `a vase for the komos,' or epithet of Apollo
Komaios. LGPN ii has two proper names: Κομαιος (4 BC) and Κωμαιος (4/3 and 2
BC), but does not list the vase under either. Hölscher thinks the name is
Komaios, a common name, for which he refers to Simon (1968), 135f, figs. 18-19
who discusses this vase. See further, L. Robert (1934), 26ff.; JHS 25 (1905)
116/32 (dedicatory inscription on a vase fr.). Κομαιος is also an epithet of
Apollo: Simon, op. cit. 135f. She herself reads Ϙομαιοι: the known epithet of
Apollo Komaios in the dative. Hölscher speculates that since the name recalls
κωμος [but is it not from κωμη(?)] it is perhaps an anonymous dedication to the
drinker, cf. RE, s.v. komos (Lamer). Could it be a kalos-name without kalos?
[[Addenda: I originally thought more likely a nonsense inscription, although
Κωμαιος is also a proper name: PA 8952-53 (4-3 BC and 2 BC).]]
CAVI Number: 8042
AVI Bibliography: BADB 2478. — Photos in Beazley Archive. — Simon (1968), 135/12, figs. 18-19.
— F. Hölscher, CVA Würzburg 1, Germany 39 (1975), pl. 40,3 (A), fig. 24
(profile); p. 45, facs. of inscr., prob. of A). — AttScr (1990), no. 1074. —
Lissarrague (1990a), 65 and n. 40, fig. 47H (sketch of inscription on A).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)