Last Recorded Collection: Berlin, Antikensammlung: F2443
Previous Collections:
Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg: F2443
Publication Record: Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico: 10 (1988), FIG.24.3 (PART) Arrington, N.T., Ashes, Images and Memories, The Presence of the War Dead in Fifth-Century Athens (Oxford, 2015): 251, FIG.7.10 (BD) Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1576 Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 995.118 Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 438 Boardman, J., Athenian Red Figure Vases, The Classical Period (London, 1989): FIG.261 (DRAWING) Burn, L. and Glynn, R., Beazley Addenda (Oxford, 1982): 152 Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 312 Cohen, B., The Colours of Clay, Special Techniques in Athenian Vases (Los Angeles, 2006): 224-225, NO.63 (COLOUR OF PARTS) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BERLIN, ANTIKENMUSEUM 8, 25-26, BEILAGE 6.2, PLS.(3050,3051,3052) 9.3-5, 10.1, 11.4-5 View Whole CVA Plates Crelier, M-C., Kinder in Athen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Eine archäologische Annäherung (Remshalden, 2008): FIG.L3 (BD) Frontisi-Ducroux, F. and Vernant, J-P., Dans l'oeil du miroir (Paris, 1997): PL.6 (PARTS) Heilmeyer, W-D. et al., Antikenmuseum Berlin, Die ausgestellten Werke (Berlin, 1988): 140, NO.2 (PART) Hesperia, The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 58 (1989), PL.74 La Torre, G.F. and Torelli, M. (eds.), Pittura Ellenistica in Italia e in Sicilia, Linguaggi e tradizioni, Atti del Convegno di Studi (Messina, 24-25 settembre 2009) (Rome, 2011): FIG.26A (PART) Mannack, T., Griechische Vasenmalerei, Eine Einführung, 2nd edition (Darmstadt, 2012): 150, FIG.96C (PART) Oakley, J., Picturing Death in Classical Athens, The Evidence of the White Lekythoi (Cambridge, 2004): 48, FIG.21 (BD) Oakley, J.H., The Achilles Painter (Mainz, 1997): FIGS.7A, D, PL.91C (PART, PROFILE) Seifert, M., Dazugehören, Kinder in Kulten und Festen von Oikos und Phratrie. Bildanalysen zu attischen Sozialisonsstufen des 6. bis 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Stuttgart, 2011): FIG.20 (BD) Smith, T.J. and Plantzos, D. (eds.), A Companion to Greek Art (Malden, 2012): I, 56, FIG.3.7 (PART) Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik: 68 (1987), PL.2B (PART)
CAVI Lemma: WG lekythos. From Pikrodafni (ancient Halimous), Attica. Achilles Painter.
Second quarter fifth. Early. Ca. 460. 460/55-450 (Oakley).
CAVI Subject: Woman (nurse?) handing a baby to a seated woman.
CAVI Inscriptions: Above the infant [sic?] and below the rim, stoich. left-aligned three-liner:
Δρομιππος καλος Δρομοκλειδο. {1}
CAVI Footnotes: {1} the inscription is to right of the left woman's face, close to the top
margin and thus above the baby.
CAVI Comments: Second white used. - Oakley 63-64 thinks this is an everyday scene, whereas
Reilly (1989), 426-427 had interpreted the scene as a wedding scene, with the
bride being handed the παις αμφιθαλης. - Ionic alphabet. -Oakley, p. 11, wrongly
states that the diphthong ει in Δρεομοκλειδο is represented either by epsilon or
iota (his text is unclear), but the ph. shows a certain ει.