Last Recorded Collection: Ampurias, Museo Monografico: 2362
Publication Record: Barbera, J., and Sanmarti, E., Arte Griego en Espana (Barcelona, 1987): 152, FIG.198 Beazley, J.D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1963): 1543.122 Dominguez, A.J., and Sanchez, C., Greek Pottery from the Iberian Peninsula, Archaic and Classical Periods (Leiden, 2001): 156, FIG.66 LEFT AND MIDDLE (DRAWING OF PROFILE) Miro i Alaix, M.T., La ceramica atica de figures roges de la ciutat grega d'Emporion (Barcelona, 2006): 244, 336 TOP ROW RIGHT (COLOUR), FIG.660.3245 Trias de Arribas, G., Ceramicas Griegas de la Peninsula Iberica (Valencia, 1967- 68): PL.117.4