CAVI Lemma: foot of small lekane{1}. From Athens. Unattributed. Second quarter fifth
CAVI Subject: No figured decoration.
CAVI Inscriptions: On the bottom, Gr. In the center, circular: Σοσιας καταπυγον. On the rim: hος
φ(η)σιν hο γραφσας.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} see Sparkes–Talcott (1970).
CAVI Comments: I follow Lang's reading. The Gr. has been read: Σοσιας καταπυγον, Ε[υφρον]ιος
φησιν hο γραφσας, although the inscription is probably too late for the vase
painter. Lang has now disposed of this. No doubt Sosias is not the well-known
potter either. - Beazley compares [Αλ]καιος καταπυ[γον] on Agora P 5169 and says
both this and the Sosias inscriptions are near Pherecrateans. Heta is of normal
shape but the eta in φησιν resembles an `Argive' lambda and has been compared
with the South Italian rough breathing by M. Burzachechi, Mon. Linc. 1961,
345-47, but this seems doubtful. - A very similar Gr. on a vase from Cumae,
Unlocated, published by Gabrici, Mon. Ant. 22 (1913) 459, q.v. [[CAVI 7840]].
CAVI Number: 0338
AVI Bibliography: Shear (1936), 36, fig. 36 (dr.). — Talcott (1936), 347, fig. 15 (phot.). —
Beazley (1944), 20 f. = Beazley (1989), 47f. (now superseded by Lang). —
Moore–Bothmer (1953), 217/2. — Richter (1958), 57, and n. 162. — Sparkes–Talcott
(1970), no. 1794. — Lang (1976), C 18, pl. 5 (dr.). — Tiverios (1977), 1-11. —
AttScr (1990), no. 426. — Boardman (1992), 50 n. 26.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)